Multi-Tech Systems FaxFinder V.34 Fax Servers FF Model Series User Manual
Page 11

Chapter 2: FaxFinder Client Software Configuration
The FaxFinder Fax Client Software starts automatically when the installation is complete.
Icons for the FaxFinder software applications will appear in the Windows Start menu. After installation,
the Client Software starts up whenever the computer is booted. A FaxFinder icon appears in the tray area
at the lower-right corner of the screen. The FaxFinder Fax Client Software screen can be opened from
either the Start menu icon or the tray icon. (If the Client Software is shut down, it can be re-opened from
the Start menu or by double-clicking on the FF110.EXE file, which, following a typical, default installation,
would be located at C:\Program Files \ Multi-Tech Systems\FaxFinder Client Software\.)
The FaxFinder Fax Client Software starts automatically when the installation is complete.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
FaxFinder Client User Guide