Operating instructions and owner’s manual, Warning, Gas-fired infra-red tank top heater – Mr. Heater Gas-Fired Infrared Tank Top Heater MH15tS User Manual

Page 8: Parts ordering information

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Mr. Heater | Gas-Fired infra-Red tank top Heater

operating instructions and owner’s Manual

Mr. Heater, inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or
obligation, in colors, specifications, accessories, materials and models.

Operating instructiOns
and Owner’s Manual

Model #


uSe only MAnuFACtuReR’S RePlACeMent PARtS. uSe oF Any otHeR PARtS
CoulD CAuSe inJuRy oR DeAtH. RePlACeMent PARtS ARe only AVAilABle
DiReCt FRoM tHe FACtoRy AnD MuSt Be inStAlleD By A QuAliFieD SeRViCe

parts Ordering inFOrMatiOn:

purcHasing: Accessories may be purchased at any Mr. Heater Products local dealer
or direct from the factory
FOr inFOrMatiOn regarding serVice
Please call toll-Free 800-251-0001

our office hours are 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, eSt, Monday through Friday.
Please include the model number, date of purchase, and description of problem in all

liMited warrantY

Mr. Heater, inc. warrants its heaters and accessories to be free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of 1 year from date of purchase. Mr. Heater, inc. will
repair or replace this product free of charge if it has been proven to be defective within
the 1-year period, and is returned at customer expense with proof of purchase to Mr.
Heater, inc. within the warranty period.

Mr. Heater, inc., 4560 W. 160tH St., CleVelAnD, oHio 44135 • 800-251-0001
Mr. Heater are registered trademarks of Mr. Heater, inc.
© 2009, Mr. Heater, inc. All rights reserved

gas-fired infra-red

tank top Heater

CylinDeR not inCluDeD


serial numbers:
Model numbers starting with
MH15tS Cl-242105-12001001
MH30tS Cl-242655-12001001

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