Warning, For safe operation, Ventilation – Mr. Heater Gas-Fired Infrared Tank Top Heater MH15tS User Manual

Page 5: Minimum clearance from combustible materials

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operating instructions and owner’s Manual

Mr. Heater | Gas-Fired infra-Red tank top Heater


FOr saFe OperatiOn

a. read instructiOns careFullY: Read and adhere to

these instructions. Do not allow anyone who has not read the
instructions to assemble, light, adjust or operate the heater.


KeeP tHe HeAteR out oF tHe ReACH oF CHilDRen

B. use only in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of

local codes, with the standard for the Storage and handling
of liquefied Petroleum Gases AnSi/nFPA 58 and CSA B 149.1,
natural Gas and Propane installation Code.

c. prOpane is VerY FlaMMaBle: in the event of a leak,

propane will accumulate and the possibility of a fire is
present. Propane gas is scented and its strong odor is readily
detectable. never strike a match or bring any flame or create
an electric spark in an enclosure when you smell propane gas.
Ventilate the area thoroughly, move the heater outside, find
and correct the source of the leak before attempting to light
any appliance. if you are unsure of these instructions evacuate
immediately and call for help.

d. gas leaKage: if the leak cannot be corrected do not

tamper with the heater, follow the shut down instructions and
return the heater to the dealer or address given on last page.


Do not uSe tHiS HeAteR on BulK tAnKS oF GReAteR
CAPACity tHAn 20 PounDS lPG (50 PounDS WAteR

e. leaK detectiOn: Before each use of the heater check all

fittings and connections with a soap solution to be sure there
are no leaks. neVeR, neVeR uSe Any FlAMe FoR leAK teSt.

F. cOnnecting Heater tO prOpane cYlinder: Always

connect the heater to the bulk cylinder in the outdoors or in
a well ventilated area. neVeR connect this heater to a cylinder
near an open flame.

g. use OF Heater: Always operate the heater with the propane

cylinder in an upright position on a level noncombustible
surface. neVeR place the cylinder on its side when operating
the heater.

H. attend Heater: Do not leave heater unattended while it is

in operation.

i. alwaYs ligHt Heater witH MatcH Or “sparKlite”

igniter: neVer attempt to light the heater with a spark

J. dO nOt taMper: Should the heater not perform properly,

such as little or no heat when operating in the “Hi” position,
or for any other reason, Do not AtteMPt to RePAiR oR
tAMPeR with the heater. Any tampering could make the
use of the heater unsafe and dangerous. Return the heater
to the dealer or the address given on last page for repair or

K. FOr stOrage: the heater Hi-Med-lo-off regulating valve

should always be turned to “off” when the heater is not in
use. Allow at least 15 minutes for cooling before handling and
storing. Detach propane cylinder from heater before storing.
Do not store propane cylinders indoors or near open flame
or heat.

l. dO nOt transpOrt Or MOVe appliance wHile

in OperatiOn. FOllOw sHutdOwn and stOrage
instructiOns tO transpOrt Or MOVe tHis


a. warning: this heater is an unvented appliance and

Must be used OnlY in a well ventilated area. neVer
attempt to operate the heater inside any vehicle, camper or

B. FOr nOn-residential indOOr and OutdOOr use.

Any combustion process requires and consumes oxygen, and
will produce carbon monoxide.

tHis Heater Must Be

used witH adeQuate VentilatiOn. Do not use inside
a house, camper, tent or any type of unvented or a tightly
enclosed area.

c. warning: Provide ample ventilation. this heater consumes

air (oxygen). Do not use this heater in unventilated structures
to avoid endangering your life. Provide additional ventilation
for any additional fuel-burning appliances and additional

d. Flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed.

MiniMuM clearance FrOM
cOMBustiBle Materials

a. When operating, the heater surfaces are extremely hot. Keep

sleeping bags, clothing, and all combustible materials clear of
the heater by at least the distances shown in figure 4.

B. warning: to avoid injury or property damage never allow

clothing, tents or other combustible materials within 30” of
the face of the heater. this heater must be located at least 24”
above the floor level when in use. never operate the heater
when sleeping.

c. warning: never direct the heat output of this heater toward

any propane tank within 20 feet.

Btu/HR. Rating


Clearances to Combustibles



From C.l.
oF HtR.
to FlooR





















Figure 4.