Controls, Channel / mode select, Gain – Mesa/Boogie SOLO 50 User Manual

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Each channel of your amplifier contains two different Modes of operation that may be selected depending on your application. In this
way you may decide to use the channels for their most obvious sounds or with the flick of a switch - invert the channels for the opposite
sound style. The voicing of the modes is accomplished by rerouting and reconfiguring the circuit in both pre-amp and power sections

of the amplifier. Here are the choices;

RHYTHM ( Top ) Channel
CLEAN: (toggle up) delivers a sparkling rendition of the classic black face style rhythm sound with the added
dynamic response of the RECT-O 50’S super quick driver circuit. This is a low gain mode that is optimized
for fast clear attack, huge breathy low end response and the impression of headroom far in excess of the

conservative 50 watt rating. It may also be cranked to produce a vintage style clip when the GAIN control is maxed that is relatively
uncolored when compared to the PUSHED sound. This is preferable when you wish to retain more of the guitars’ natural character
and don’t need thick saturation.

PUSHED: (toggle down) adds substantial gain by saturating another tube stage and revoicing the treble frequencies to respond
much better with overdriven sounds. A by-product of adding this extra gain is a masking of some of the sparkling highs - which lends
a sort of natural tube compression, making PUSHED an alternate and quite amazing lead mode - along with its obvious crunch rhythm

LEAD ( Bottom ) Channel
VINTAGE: (toggle up) is the creamier, warmer sounding of the RECT-O’S two lead modes and therefore excels at single note solo
sounds by producing a rounder attack with more elasticity as the notes decay. Often first misinterpeted by short demos, this mellower
blend becomes many owners’ favorite sound as they explore the ever changing harmonic content and precious attack envelope.

MODERN: (toggle down) is emphasized attack. This is by far, the most aggressive, forward, in your face
sound in the RECT-O’S quiver of modes. By stripping negative feedback from the power section and revoicing
the pre-amp to respond with a more urgent feel in the time domain, a beast is unleashed and the amp that was
moments ago singing with a sweet languid voice, becomes downright dangerous.

NOTE: It is normal to hear a volume increase when the MODE SELECT is toggled between the VINTAGE and MODERN Modes in
the LEAD channel. This is a result of the substantial change in power section sensitivity as negative feedback is removed and applied
with the change in modes.

Like most amplifiers, the GAIN control in each channel determines its sensitivity and overall tonal characteristics. It meters the
amount of Gain that your guitar signal will produce. In the RECT-O 50, we paid special attention to the amount and frequencies of
gain present in each mode, making sure the whole range of available gain is musically usable. We also worked diligently with our

suppliers to develop pots with tapers useful to players that require that touch sensitive
relationship of input signal level to gain saturation. An essential ingredient to a great
amps expressive nature. To maximize your expression, spend time learning the different
regions of the GAIN control in each mode and tonal colors they enhance. Almost more -
or certainly equal to the tone controls - the GAIN control shapes your sound.

As a general guideline, the lower regions of this control produce brighter, tighter, faster
sounds with enhanced dynamics...the higher the GAIN control setting - the warmer, fuller,
more saturated and more compressed ( less dynamic ) the sound becomes. Remember
that with this sensitive control the entire character of the channel is determined. Because

the RECT-O 50 is a hyper-tuned gain machine some of the best and most musical sounds are found in the middle ranges of this
control. In other words...more is not always better.























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