Nport server pro – Moxa Technologies DE-308 User Manual
Page 167

P r o b l e m R e p o r t F o r m
NPort Server Pro
Customer name:
1. Moxa Product:
o DE-308 ( 8 RS-232 ports) o DE-303 ( 16 RS-232 ports )
2. Serial Number: ___________
3. NPort Pro Firmware Version: ________________
4. NPort Pro Manager Version: ________________
5. PC Host: Make _________ Model _________
6. CPU: Speed _____MHz Make ______ Model ____
7. Ethernet Card :
o ISA Card Make__________ o PCI Card Make: __________
8. Your Installation Type:
o Single-Host o Custom
9. Problem Description: Please describe the symptoms as clearly as possible, including any error
messages you see. We may have to follow your description to reproduce the symptoms, so please
give a complete description of the problem.