Morphy Richards 40652 User Manual
Ttuurrbboo s stteeaam m iirroonn, The iron that not only does a good job, It helps you do your bit to save the planet

TTuurrbboo S
m IIrroonn
Please read and keep these instructions
The iron that not only does a good job...
Our ecolectric iron has a ceramic coated soleplate for smoother gliding, powerful steam for better
results and a 400ml water tank for longer ironing between refills. helps you do your bit to save the planet
It switches off after it’s not been used for three minutes - to prevent wasting energy. Little things like
that really make a difference.
Meet the family
Every product in the ecolectric family is packaged in materials that are both recycled and 100%
recyclable. Naturally, that makes them better for the environment.
RN40652 MUK Rev 1
For replacement parts, help with using your Morphy Richards product,
problems and lots more, contact us by phone or through our website.
Heellpplliinnee:: 00884444 887711 00995533
meenntt P
Paarrttss:: 00884444 887733 00771199
IIrreellaanndd H
Heellpplliinnee:: 11880000 440099 111199
Energy conscious iron with no
compromise on performance
40652 rev1 23/4/08 17:52 Page 1