Marantz AV7005 User Manual
Page 8

The MA9S2 has been completely reworked and revoiced to combine perfect harmony with thrilling dynamism.
Most vitally, it provides instantaneous power.Which is important, because whatever the output specification of an
amplifier may be, its performance ultimately depends on its ability to deliver current quickly. That’s why the MA9S2
gives truly instantaneous current supply, three times that of any otherMarantz product. On peak levels the MA9S2
is able to deliver an incredible 150 ampere, making it the ultimatemonaural power-amplifier – ideal for driving even
the most demanding of speakers with absolute ease.
• Reference Series full balanced monaural power amplifier
• Ultra stable power output of 300 W at 8 Ohms RMS and 600 W 4 Ohms RMS
• Current Feedback technology for fast and accurate signal handling
• Audiophile 2-stage circuit concept for best signal to noise ratio of 120 dB
• Instantaneous current delivery capability
• Current peak level capability of incredible 150 ampere
• Marantz’ newly developed HDAMs for Super Audio (HDAMSA)
• Shielded Toroidal transformer and Shottky barrier diodes
• Choke input system to reduce rectifier harmonic noise
• Ultra lowimpedance amplifier
• Rigid multi-layer chassis construction with aluminium front and side panels
• Multi-layer solid copper-plated chassis, rear panel and system block shielding
• One balanced and two unbalanced inputs (selectable)
• Two low impedance WBT speaker terminals for bi-wiring
• Blue illuminated power meter (switchable)
m A9s2
r e F e r e n C e m o n o p oW e r A m p l i F i e r
m A r A n tZ
r eFer enCe ser i e s
Audiophiles be prepared: the SC7S2 has been completely reworked, revoiced and revamped with new
environmental-friendlier materials – and still maintaining a spectacular channel separation of over 100 dB at 20 kHz.
It also now has four (instead of two in the ‘S1’ version) Wolfson electronic volume controls. Combined with an
extended high frequency response of up to 150 kHz, this advanced, high-quality pre-amplifier for stereo and
multi-channel set-ups provides a super-wide range and high dynamic signal handling. Extended high frequency
response as well as channel separation express the truemeaning of ‘Super Audio’. Unparalleled attention to detail
in the design and development of the input and output circuitries, volume control section, power supply circuits,
makes the SC7S2 the ultimate, top-rated performer in its class. And of course it is as solid as the SA7S1.
• Reference Series full balanced control amplifier
• Built without compromise on material and components
• Ultrawide frequency range (3 Hz - 150 kHz)
• Current Feedback technology for fast and accurate signal handling
• Fully symmetrical circuit layout with over 100 dB channel separation
• Balanced XLR in and out
• Digital high quality linear volume control with 4 x Wolfson WM8816
• New low noise Shielded Toroidal transformer and Shottky barrier diodes
• Choke input system to reduce rectifier harmonic noise
• Rigid multi-layer chassis construction with aluminium front and side panels
• Multi-layer solid copper-plated chassis, rear panel and system block shielding
• The Marantz newly developed HDAMs for Super Audio (HDAMSA)
• Floating control bus to control up to 4 x SC7S2 parallel for multi-channel upgrade option
• Bi- (monaural) and triple-amp capability to drive up to 6 x MA9S2 for the highest achievable stereo performance
• New aluminium top remote control with extended functionality
r e F e r e n C e s t e r e o C o n t r o l p r e - A m p l i F i e r
m A r A n tZ
r eFer enCe ser i e s