Globalsat Technology USB GPS Dongle ND-100 User Manual

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instruction to complete the installation process.


1. Once your USB Driver has been installed, you will need to confirm which COM Port your PC

has assigned to it in order to properly configure any software that will be utilizing the GPS data
being received.

2. Your USB GPS must be connected to your USB port.

3. Using Window XP’s Control Panel, select System > Hardware > Device Manager or Using

Window Vista’s Control Panel, select Device Manager.

4. Then look under the category: PORTS (Com & LPT)

5. There should be a listing for:

Prolific Serial-to-USB Com Port (COM x)

(where “


” is the number your PC has assigned the USB GPS receiver).

6. Once you have identified the COM port number, any software that you utilize must be

configured to read GPS data from this COM port.

We strongly suggest that you first test your USB GPS with the included MiniCDU utility program to
confirm that the GPS receiver is functioning properly on your PC and that you have successfully
configured the right COM Port setting. Once this has been done, close the MiniCDU program and
start your application for COM port configuration.

NOTE: By default, your PC will not allow you to run multiple applications from a single COM port. It is
important that you close any previously opened GPS application before switching to another GPS
application as the GPS receiver and data will not be found by the new program.

There are special utilities available to split data into multiple COM ports for use by more than one
application simultaneously. See: