Grandstream Networks BudgeTone-200 User Manual
Page 28

All Rights Reserved Grandstream Networks, Inc. 2004, 2005
End User
This contains the password to access the Web Configuration Menu.
This field is case sensitive with a maximum length of 25 characters.
IP Address
There are two modes under which the BudgeTone 200 can operate:
• If DHCP mode is enabled, then all the field values for the Static
IP mode are not used (even though they are still saved in the
Flash memory.) The BudgeTone 200 will acquire its IP address
from the first DHCP server it discovers from the LAN it is
• To use the PPPoE feature the PPPoE account settings need to
be set. The BudgeTone 200 will attempt to establish a PPPoE
session if any of the PPPoE fields is set.
• If Static IP mode is enabled, then the IP address, Subnet Mask,
Default Router IP address, DNS Server 1 (primary), DNS
Server 2 (secondary) fields will need to be configured. These
fields are set to zero by default.
Time Zone
This parameter controls how the date/time is displayed according to the
specified time zone.
Daylight Savings Time
This parameter controls whether the time will be displayed in daylight
savings time or not. If set to “Yes”, then the displayed time will be 1
hour ahead of normal time.
Date Display Format
Allow user to choose among the following three formats:
Device Mode
This parameter controls whether the device is working in NAT router
mode or Bridge mode. Need save the setting and reboot the device
before the setting start to work.
WAN side http access
If set to “Yes”, user can access the configuration page through the
WAN port, instead of connecting PC and GXP2000 through the “PC”
port to do the configuration. On the other hand, it exposes the
GXP2000 to others, and may cause some security issues for users.
Default is No.
Reply to ICMP on WAN port If set to “Yes”, The GXP2000 will respond to the PING command
from other computers for testing, but it also is vulnerable to the DOS
attack. Default is No.