Warranty – Grundig LED User Manual

Page 24

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The manuals and the enclosed software programs are protected by copyright. The manuals and the software
programs are, in the present form, the subject matter of a license contract and may only be used in accordance
with the contract conditions of the license contract.

The licensee alone carries the risk for any dangers or impairments of quality which may arise from the the use of
the product.

The software programs and the manuals may not be transmitted, altered or reproduced, either in whole or in
part, in any form or by any means. Furthermore, they may not be translated into another natural or machine
language. The licensee, however, is permitted to make a backup for his own personal use.

The passing on of information which is contained in the manuals and the software programs to third parties is
only permitted with the written consent of Grundig AG.

All software programs and the manuals were prepared with the greatest care and checked in accordance with
the state of the art.

Grundig AG does not accept – either explicitly or implicitly – any liability or provide any guarantee for the suita-
bility of the programs or the MP


for purposes which deviate from those described in the directions for use.

Grundig AG can only be made liable for damage which results directly or indirectly from the use of the MP



the accompanying software or the manuals or for possible consequential or incidental damage in the event of
gross negligence or intent.

We accept no claims for the loss of or damage to hardware and/or software or data as a result of direct or indi-
rect defects as well as for costs which occur in connection with the accompanying software, the documentation
or the MP



Grundig AG accepts no liability for lost profits.

The information in this documentation and the accompanying software may be altered for the purpose of tech-
nical improvement without prior notice.


**mpaxx_e_win_3.00.qxp 16.05.2000 21:12 Uhr Seite 24