Grundig LED User Manual
Page 18

If all the tracks you want to rip/encode are listed in the lower window, you can
begin ripping. The “Start Ripping only” command in the “Encoder” menu only
converts the files form your audio CD into .WAV files. These will be saved in the
directory of your choice.
You also have the possibility of ripping and encoding the files at the same time, by
selecting the “Start Ripping/Encoding” option (in the “Encoder” menu).
3.2.2. Encoder
With the aid of the Encoder, you can convert the .WAV files into the MP3 format.
Add all the .WAV files you want to encode to the Rip/Encode list. Now, select the
“Start Ripping/Encoding” option (in the “Encoder” menu). The software automati-
cally recognizes that the selected files have already been ripped, and encodes them.
The MP3 files which are created, will be saved in the directory which you have spe-
Notice: The ripping and encoding can take considerable time. This depends upon
the speed of your computer and your CD ROM drive. The higher the bit rate you
have selected, the longer the process takes.
As a reference point: A Pentium processor with 233 MHz MMX should be able to
encode a data amount of 128 Kbit in real time, i.e. encode five minutes of music in
five minutes.
**mpaxx_e_win_3.00.qxp 16.05.2000 21:12 Uhr Seite 18