High wind and hurricane zone fans, Third party testing and certifi cations – Greenheck Fan H-CUBE. User Manual
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The Greenheck high wind models have been thoroughly tested in accordance with recognized standards. With the H-G,
H-GB, H-CUE and the H-CUBE you are not only getting a superior product built by a quality company, you are getting
the assurance through a number of third party certifi cations that the fan is capable of withstanding high winds.
State P.E. Calculations:
Models have been
reviewed by state licensed professional
engineers to ensure that they conform to the
requirements of ASCE 7-02 Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
International Building Code and the Florida
Building Code.
Test Protocols:
Models have been subjected
to an extensive testing regime. The models
have been tested in accordance with ASTM
E330 standards at design pressures that
correspond to over 150 MPH wind loads.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD):
Greenheck leads the industry with cutting edge
technology. Computational Fluid Dynamics
simulates the airfl ow of high speed (150 MPH)
winds over the surface of fans. The software
records the force profi le that the wind exerts
on the fan, which can be used to complete
Finite Element Analysis of the stresses in each
unit. Models have been completely analyzed
utilizing CFD to prove superior strength and
resistance to high winds.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Utilizing the
results from CFD analysis Greenheck can
accurately predict the stress, strain, and
defl ection that result from high wind loads. A
complete FEA utilizing CFD results is used to
verify the fans capabilities and prove the results
of professional engineer calculations.
When high wind forces are a concern, turn to Greenheck’s high wind models. Models H-G and H-GB downblast
roof exhaust fans and H-CUE and H-CUBE upblast restaurant exhaust fans are the only fans tested and certifi ed to
withstand high winds. Don’t sacrifi ce quality and durability—specify the only fans that will survive hurricane force winds,
Greenheck models H-G, H-GB, H-CUE and H-CUBE.
High Wind and Hurricane Zone Fans
Third Party Testing and Certifi cations