GE Monogram eKEY User Manual
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Copyright © 2006, GE Security Inc. All rights reserved.
This document may not be copied or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part,
except as specifically permitted under US and international copyright law,
without the prior written consent from GE.
Document number: 10092175P1-02 (July 2006).
daily operations. Examples may include fictitious names of individuals and
companies. Any similarity to names and addresses of actual businesses or
persons is entirely coincidental.
and patents
GE and the GE monogram are registered trademarks of General Electric.
eKEY product and logo are registered trademarks of GE Security.
Other trade names used in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the respective products.
Intended use
Use this product only for the purpose it was designed for; refer to the user
documentation. For the latest product information, visit us online at
Rules and
relating to
use of the
1. Possession of Key. Each Keyholder (as defined in the Agreement entered
into by your Organization) is responsible for the key issued to him or her. If
a key is lost or requires replacement for any reason, the replacement cost
for the key shall be the replacement price in the Keyholder Agreement.
2. Current Update Code. The key has an update code that expires daily to
prohibit further use of the key until a new current update code is obtained
from Supra or your Organization and entered into the key. Update codes
shall be issued only to Keyholders in good standing with the Organization.
A Keyholder is in good standing if he/she is in full compliance with all
obligations in the Keyholder Agreement, including, without limitation, the
terms of these Rules and Regulations.
3. Security of Equipment. It is necessary to maintain the security of each
key and the Personal Identification Number ("PIN") of each key to prevent
the use of the key by unauthorized persons. Each party in possession of a
key, whether such key is being actively used or not, shall abide by the
following conditions:
a. To keep the key in such party's possession or in a safe place at all times;
b. Not to allow the PIN for the key to be displayed on or attached to the key
for any purpose whatsoever or to be disclosed to any third party;
c. Not to lend or otherwise transfer the key to any other person or entity, or
permit any other person or entity to use the key for any purpose
whatsoever, whether or not such other person or entity is a real estate
broker or salesperson;
d. Not to duplicate the key or allow any other person to do so;