Garmin GFS 10 User Manual

Page 6

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ExAMplE: When you set the Flow Adjustment

to +10% , a flow rate of 20 gal./hr (75 l/hr) would

change to 22 gal./hr (82.5 l/hr), because

20 gal. × 110% = 22 gal. (75 l × 110% = 82.5 l).

By default, when wired to a fuel gauge, the

GFS 10 automatically detects the type of fuel

gauge. If the fuel-level reading on your Garmin

chartplotter or marine instrument appears to

change with the engine RPM, the GFS 10 could

be detecting the wrong type of gauge. When

the boat is not moving, place the engine in

neutral. If the fuel-level reading changes when

you throttle the engine, change the gauge type.

Go to the configuration options for NMEA

2000 devices on your Garmin chartplotter

or marine instrument to specify your type of

gauge (1 coil or 2 coil).

NoTE: It is normal for the fuel level to change

with the motion of the boat. Perform this test

when the boat is not moving.