Test 32 – utility control circuit – Generac Power Systems 8 kW LP User Manual
Page 82

(2) Press the right arrow key until “Debug” is
(3) Press “Enter”.
(4) Press the right arrow key until “Outputs” is
(5) Press “Enter”.
(6) Digital Output 8 is Wire 23 output from the
board. Refer to Figure 5.
(7) If Output 8 shows a “1” then the control
board is grounding Wire 23. Replace the
printed circuit board.
c. If 0 VDC is measured, the Wire 23 circuit is
good. Refer to flow chart.
OUTPUTS 1 - 8:
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Figure 5. The Home Page, Debug and Output Screens
6. Locate the terminal strip in the generator control panel.
Disconnect Wire 23 coming in from the transfer switch
(customer connection, side-see Figure 6).
7. Connect the positive (+) meter test lead to Wire 15B at
the terminal strip in the generator. Connect the nega-
tive (-) meter test lead to Wire 23 just removed from
the terminal strip.
a. If 0 VDC is measured, proceed to Step 8.
b. If 12 VDC is measured, a short to ground exists
on Wire 23 between the generator and transfer
switch. Repair or replace Wire 23 as needed
between generator control panel and transfer
switch relay (TR1).
8. Locate the terminal strip in the generator control panel.
Disconnect Wire 23 coming in from the transfer switch
(customer connection, side - see Figure 6).
N1 N2
15B 23
Figure 6. Transfer Relay Test Points
9. Disconnect the J2 connector from the printed circuit board.
10. Set VOM to measure resistance.
11. Connect one meter test lead to Wire 23 connected at
generator terminal strip. See Figure 6. Connect the other
meter test lead to control panel ground.
a. If INFINITY or open is measured, replace the
printed circuit board
b. If continuity measured, Wire 23 is shorted to
ground. Repair or replace Wire 23 between the
J2 connector and the generator terminal strip.
teSt 32 – utility control circuit
Printed circuit board action controls grounding Wire
23 to initiate a transfer to standby. When Wire 23 is
grounded the transfer relay (TR1) is energized. To
initiate a transfer back to utility the TR1 relay must be
de-energized. If Wire 23 is grounded, TR1 will always
be energized.
Refer to Figure 7.
1. Turn off utility supply voltage to the transfer switch.
2. Set VOM to measure AC voltage.
3. Set the generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch in the
OFF position. Remove Wire 15B from the transfer switch
terminal strip.
4. Verify the transfer switch is down in the standby position.
Page 80
Part 3
sEctioN 3.4
DiaGNostic tEsts