Troubleshooting tips, Before you call for service – GE Profile SmartDispense SPBD880 User Manual

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oubleshooting Tips

Operating Instructions

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Before you call for service…

Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages, or visit (in U.S.) or
(in Canada). You may not need to call for service.


Possible Causes

What To Do

Low Detergent/Fabric

The SmartDispense

system has

Fill the SmartDispense reservoir with liquid

Softener message is on

approximately 10 cycles worth

HE (High Efficiency) detergent/concentrated liquid fabric

of liquid HE (High Efficiency)

softener if using the same brand and concentration

detergent/concentrated liquid

of liquid HE (High Efficiency) detergent/

fabric softener left in the

concentrated liquid fabric softener. If using a different

SmartDispense pedestal

brand or concentration of liquid HE (High Efficiency)

(20 cycles of 2x liquid

detergent/concentrated liquid fabric softener, follow

HE [High Efficiency] detergent,

the steps to remove and rinse the tank and clean fabric

30 cycles of 3x liquid

softener sensor before refilling. After filling the tanks,

HE [High Efficiency]

adjust the SmartDispense settings if changes were made

detergent, etc.)

to the detergent concentration. The Low indicator will turn
OFF the next time the controls are powered.

SmartDispense system was

Adjust the SmartDispense settings to draw from

incorrectly set to draw from

the correct tank. The Low Indicator will turn OFF

an empty tank

the next time the controls are powered.

SmartDispense system was

Add additional liquid HE (High Efficiency) detergent

filled with less than 100 ounces

to the tank. The Low Indicator will turn OFF the next time

of concentrated liquid

the controls are powered.

HE (High Efficiency) detergent

Cycle will not start and

The SmartDispense system has

Fill the SmartDispense reservoir with liquid HE (High

Empty Detergent/Fabric

no usable cycles worth of liquid

Efficiency) detergent/concentrated liquid fabric softener

Softener message is on

HE (High Efficiency) detergent/

if using the same brand and concentration of liquid

concentrated liquid fabric softener HE (High Efficiency) detergent/concentrated liquid fabric
left in the SmartDispense pedestal. softener. If using a different brand or concentration
Some residual liquid

of liquid HE (High Efficiency) detergent/concentrated liquid

HE (High Efficiency) detergent/

fabric softener, follow the steps to remove and rinse

concentrated liquid fabric

the tank and clean fabric softener sensor before refilling.

softener will remain in the bottom After filling the tanks, adjust the SmartDispense settings
of the tank to prevent air from

if changes were made to the detergent concentration.

entering the SmartDispense

The Empty indicator will turn OFF the next time the controls

supply lines

are powered.

SmartDispense system was

Add additional liquid HE (High Efficiency) detergent to

filled with less that 100 ounces

the tank. The Empty Indicator will turn OFF the next time

of concentrated liquid

the controls are powered.

HE (High Efficiency) detergent

“SmartDispense pedestal Hose and electrical connectors

Make sure the 2 hose and electrical connections on the

not connected” message

not installed correctly on the back back of the washer and pedestal are made. Remove and

appears on screen

of the machine

reinstall each connection if needed, making sure to tighten
the connector down as much as possible.

Sensor connections are not made

Make sure all 3 sensors are plugged securely into the

connector at the rear of the drawer inside the pedestal.
Lift up on the sensor cover at the rear of the drawer to
make sure these connections are made.

Washer waits two

Washer is priming the lines

The first time your washer recognizes that the

minutes before adding

of the SmartDispense system

SmartDispense system has been activated, it will

water at the beginning

automatically fill the supply lines with detergent and/or

of the first cycle

fabric softener for all active tanks. This process will last
approximately two minutes and will only occur at the
beginning of the first cycle that uses the SmartDispense

Washer starts to spin

Washer is sensing the size

The washer will spin for a short time at the beginning

at the beginning of the

of the load in the basket

of every cycle when SmartDispense has been selected.

wash cycle before water

By sensing the size of the load in the basket, the washer

is added

will be able to determine how much liquid HE (High
Efficiency) detergent/concentrated liquid fabric softener
to dispense.