Grandstream Networks GXV300X User Manual
Page 43

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
GXV300x User Manual
Page 41 of 54
Updated: 12/2010
Alternatively, download and install a free TFTP or HTTP server and perform firmware upgrades. Free
Windows version TFTP server is available:
Instructions for firmware upgrade via a Local TFTP Server:
1. Unzip the file and put all of them under the root directory of the TFTP server.
2. The PC running the TFTP server software and the
should be in the same
LAN segment.
3. Make sure the firmware files are in the correct root folder of TFTP server. If using
Solarwinds free TFTP server, make sure changing the TFTP server's default set-
ting from "Receive Only" to "Transmit Only" for the firmware upgrade. Then start
the server by running the TFTP server software.
4. In the phone’s web configuration page, configure the Firmware Server Path to the
IP address of the PC running the TFTP software.
5. Update the change and reboot the phone.
Make sure to set “Allow DHCP Option 66 to override server” to NO, otherwise, If DHCP option
66 turned ON in LAN, the TFTP server can be redirected.
You can also download the free HTTP server from
or use Microsoft IIS web
server embedded in some version of Windows OS.
NOTE: When
phone boots up, it will send TFTP or HTTP request to download configuration file
“cfg000b82xxxxxx”, where “000b82xxxxxx” is the MAC address of the
phone. This file is for ini-
tial provisioning purpose only. For normal TFTP or HTTP firmware upgrades, the following error messag-
es in a TFTP or HTTP server log can be ignored: “TFTP Error from [IP ADRESS] requesting
cfg000b82023dd4 : File does not exist. Configuration File Download”.
can be configured via Web Interface as well as via Configuration File through TFTP or
HTTP. “Config Server Path” is the TFTP or HTTP server path for the configuration file. It needs to be set
to a valid URL, either in FQDN or IP address format.
The configuration parameter is associated with each particular field in the web configuration page. A pa-
rameter consists of a capital letter P and 2 or 3 (could be extended to 4 in the future) digit numeric num-
bers. i.e., P2 is associated with “Admin Password” in the ADVANCED SETTINGS page. For a detailed
parameter list, please refer to the corresponding configuration template of the firmware.
Once the
boots up (or re-booted), it will request a binary configuration file named
“cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx”, where “xxxxxxxxxxxx” is the MAC address of the device, i.e., “cfg000b820102ab”.
The configuration file name should be in lower cases.
NOTE: For earlier hardware versions (prior to V1.1), a manual power cycle is required if the LCD is pale
or changes to the color white after firmware upgrade or configuration file downloading. For hardware ver-
sions after V1.1, the
automatically reboots itself after such process.
If the firmware crashes for an unknown reason during upgrade and the phone cannot boot up, please
press “#” and “*” keys simultaneously then power up the phone. This will force the phone to load the
stored boot file so that user can flash the phone again with good firmware files.