10 loading software for the palm – Frymaster HCP User Manual
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10 Loading Software for the Palm
A Palm Pilot loaded with the HCP software is available from Frymaster as an accessory (Part # 106-
6658). HCP software, which can be loaded on a Palm PDA is a on a CD. A Palm operating system
of 4.0 or higher is required to operate the software. See the Palm manual for instructions on
installing, operating and deleting software from the Palm. Failed or outmoded HCP software must be
removed from the Palm Pilot before new HCP software can be installed.
Instructions for checking the Operating System version are provided below for a Palm PDA. This
information can also be found in the Palm manual.
10.1 Checking the Palm Operating System Version Number
Step 2: Tap on Info.
Step 3: From the
displayed menu, tap
Version in the bottom of
the display. See arrow.
Step 4: The version number is
shown at the top of the display.
See arrow. Version 4.0 or
higher is required to operate the
HCP software.
Step 1: From a main
screen, tap on the time
display in the left top
corner of the screen or
the System icon in the
bottom left. A drop-down
menu is displayed.
NOTE: Operating system updates are
available at Palm’s Web site. However,
not all Palm units can run the newer
operating systems. Check your Palm
manual and the Palm Web site,