Frymaster HCP User Manual
Page 25
9 Uploading Cabinet Configurations and Daily Activity
The cabinet records daily activity and the data can be uploaded
to the Palm each day prior to turning the cabinet off. This can be
done at anytime. Also, the cabinet prompts for the data to be
uploaded when the HCP is put in the clean mode. See Page 4-2.
A cabinet’s configuration can also be downloaded to the Palm.
Follow the steps at left and choose the Menu button. The cabinet
displayed on the PDA should be saved before receiving a new
configuration, which will overwrite the existing Palm display.
See Chapter 7 for instructions on using the Save Cabinet
Cabinet configurations received from two-slot units will alter
that setting on the Palm. See Section 6.1 for instructions on
setting up the software.
Figure 1: To prepare the Palm Pilot
to receive data from the HCP
cabinet, tap the receive button.
Figure 2: To download a
cabinet's configuration, hold
the Palm parallel to the floor
and a foot away from the
cabinet’s lens in the top right
corner. Tap the RX Mnems
button. To download a log of
daily activity, tap the Rx logs
button. A dialog box will
display after the transfer is
complete. Button names on
later software versions may
vary from what’s shown