Furuno TS-331A User Manual

Page 60

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Diagnostic test description


Sent by the sonar system (wet end) to tell the Processor what kind of

data format it sent, IGX for image data and ITX for normal digital data.

Data Type:

(same as Run-Type) sent by the sonar system (wet end) to tell the

processor this set of data is coming from which sensor.

Serial Stat:

indicates if the communication between sonar system and

Processor is normal or not.

Head Pos:

(Head Position) a number sent by the sonar system to tell the

Processor vertical sonar shooting direction. Valid number: 100-1300 (an angle
between 0 to 360 degrees).

Head Dir:

A value indicates vertical sonar scan direction: 0 for counter clockwise,

1 for clockwise.


Vertical sonar and echo sounder operating range. The operating range

for vertical sonar is 10m to250m. The operating range for echo sounder is 50m

Sync Val:

a number that represents the level of the SYNC pulse from the sonar

head and echo sounder/Catch Sensor for every shot (approximately 800).

Data Bytes:

how many bytes the sonar system sent to the Processor for each



milliseconds elapsed between the two consecutive interrogations for a

sensor. Usually the system interrogates the Echo Sounder every second and
Pitch/Roll data every 5 seconds.

Temp Val:

temperature value sent by the sonar system (coded).


Decoded current temperature reading in Celsius or Fahrenheit units.

Depth Val:

Depth value sent by the sonar system (coded).


a number sent by the sonar system to indicate the type of pressure sensor

installed in the system. 0: 1000 PSI, maximum displayed depth 686 meters. 1:
3000 PSI, maximum displayed depth 2059 meters.


Decoded current depth reading.


Decoded pitch value.


Decoded roll value.

CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4:

four catch sensor channels. 0: channel (sensor) disabled

or not receive any signal from this channel, 1: received stand by signal from this
channel, 2: catch sensor triggered.