Furuno FR-1500 MARK-3 Series User Manual
Page 107

RMA - Recommended minimum specific LORAN-C data
Position, course and speed data provided by a LORAN-C receiver. Time differences A and B are
those used in computing latitude/longitude. Checksum is mandatory in this sentence. This
sentence is transmitted at intervals not exceeding 2 s and is always accompanied by RMB when a
destination waypoint is active. RMA and RMB are the recommended minimum data to be provided
by a LORAN-C receiver. All data fields must be provided, null fields used only when data is
temporarily unavailable.
NOTE 1: Positioning system Mode indicator:
A= Autonomous mode
D= Differential mode
E= Estimated (dead reckoning) mode
M= Manual input mode
S= Simulator mode
N= Data not valid
NOTE 2: The positioning system Mode indicator field supplements the Status field (field No.1), which
shall be set to V = invalid for all values of Mode indicator except for A = Autonomous and D = Differential.
The positioning system Mode indicator and Status fields shall not be null field.
$--RMA, A, llll.ll, a yyyyy.yy, a, x.x, x.x, x.x, x.x, x.x,a,a*hh
Checksum, mandatory for RMA
Mode indicator (see note 1 and note 2)
Magnetic variation*
Course over ground*
Time difference A,
Speed over ground*
*: Not used
Time difference B*
Longitude, degrees E/W
Latitude, degrees N/S
Status (see note 3): A= data valid, V= blink, cycle or SNR warning
See paragraph 1.39 on page 1.37 for more information.