FARGO electronic Maestro 900 User Manual

Page 2

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Confidential, the whole present document is the sole property of Fargo Telecom (Asia) Ltd.

Revision history
Rev. Date


Originated by


22July 2005

First release

Wallace Lee

0.91 22Feb 2006

- Remove AT command history feature
- Remote AT command : when enabled all
incoming SMS will be erased

Wallace Lee


AutoTCP/UDP : Add DCD/DSR signaling
: modify command/data mode


Wallace Lee

Fargo Maestro is a registered trademark of Fargo Telecom AsiaLtd.

This manual is written without any warranty. Fargo Telecom AsiaLtd reserves the right to
modify or improve the product and its accessories which can also be withdrawn without prior
Besides, our company stresses the fact that the performance of the product as well as
accessories depends not only on the proper conditions of use, but also on the environment
around the places of use.

Fargo Telecom AsiaLtd assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from
errors, omissions or discrepancies between the modem and the manual.

This manual is related to the following products: