FARGO electronic Digital Audio Board 7KDAB User Manual
Page 57

7KDAB, Version 2.0, 19-Aug-2007
Vyex LLC, 2003-2007
Changed Commands
{PW} 02 f …
CTCSS Encoder
Function code ‘f’
CTCSS Encoder ON continuously when transmitter is active
Tx1 coupled OFF delay.
Turns on when Transmitter goes active, and turns off when
delay timer expires.
Receiver for Tx1 coupled OFF delay.
Turns on when any receiver with a path to Tx1 goes active,
and turns off when delay timer expires.
Receiver for Tx1 coupled loss OFF delay.
Turns on when any receiver with a path to Tx1 is active, and
upon signal loss starts delay timer. When delay timer expires,
encoder is turned off.
Zero’s the dynamic timer value, forcing the encoder to
immediately turn off.
8 ‘xxx’
Set’s the default timer value to ‘xx.x” seconds. Valid range is
0 to 12.7 seconds.
9 ‘x’
Associates user output ‘x’ with the CTCSS encode function. 0
disables feature, 1-6 associate a User output with this feature.
Encode during user transmissions and hold the encoder active for an additional 200ms after receiver squelch closes
to allow for mobile flutter. Use this example for making your repeater more compatible with an on air linking method,
such as IRLP, that relies on the CTCSS encoder following user activity.
{PW} 02 8 2
;set timer value to 200ms
{PW} 02 9 3
;(optional) associate user output 3 with CTCSS encode function
{PW} 02 4
;set mode 4 to cause CTCSS to be encoded during all user transmissions
Function ‘7’ could be used to disable the CTCSS encoder after a courtesy message is sent.
{PW} 02 8 127
;set timer to maximum value
{PW} 02 4
;select mode 4
{PW} 20 1234 {PW} 02 7
;create macro 1234 with cmd 02 function 7
{PW} 31 10 9910 74 09 9999 1234
;60ms, 440Hz beep followed by macro 1234