FARGO electronic Digital Audio Board 7KDAB User Manual
Page 27

7KDAB, Version 2.0, 19-Aug-2007
Vyex LLC, 2003-2007
The Command Line Interface
Using the Command Line interface (CLI) the user can effect the management of files on the FLASH card. Upon gaining
access to the DAB’s command line interface the user is presented with the prompt:
As a preface to the list of the following commands, it is important to note that the file system software in the DAB is single
threaded. This means that while a WAV file is being played, file system management commands are temporarily locked
Similarly, if file management commands are in use, any attempts by the 7K to play a WAV file will fail. In this
circumstance, the DAB would simply handshake with the 7K as though the file had been played.
If the user needs to remotely update files on the DAB during periods of repeater use where speech would be regularly
needed, it is suggested that a user macro be written to temporarily change the repeater’s behavior so that speech is not a
normal part of the repeater’s operation.
CD – Change Directory
While similar to the change directory command under MS-DOS, this command only accepts a fully qualified path name.
When the present working directory is changed, it is reflected in the CLI prompt.
7kDAB-\>cd \wav\1000
7kDAB-\WAV\4300>cd \wav\1000
7kDAB-\WAV\4300>cd ..\1000
Directory not found