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Appliance does not run.

* Appliance is plugged into a

circuit that has a ground fault

* Us e another circuit. If you are uns ure about the

outlet, have it checked by a certified technician.

* Tem perature control is in the

"OFF" pos ition.

* See Therm os tat Setting.

* Appliance m ay not be plugged in,

or plug m ay be loos e.

* Ensure plug is tightly pus hed into outlet.

* Hous e fus e blown or tripped

circuit breaker.

* Check/replace fus e with a 15 am p tim e delay

fus e. Res et circuit breaker.

* Power outage

* Check hous e lights . Call local Electric Com pany.

Appliance runs too m uch
or too long.

* Room or outs ide weather is hot.

* It's norm al for the appliance to work harder under

thes e conditions .

* Appliance has recently been

dis connected for a period of tim e.

* It takes 24 hours for the appliance to cool down

com pletely.

* Large am ount of warm or hot

food have been s tored recently.

* Warm food will caus e appliance to run m ore until

the des ired tem perature is reached.

* Door is opened too frequently or

kept open too long.

* Warm air entering the appliance causes it to run

m ore. Open the door les s often.

* Appliance door m ay be s lightly

* See "Door Problem s ".

* Tem perature control is s et too


* Turn control knob to a warm er setting. Allow

s everal hours for the tem perature to stabilize.

* Appliance gas kets are dirty,

worn, cracked or poorly fitted.

* Clean or change gas ket. Leaks in the lid s eal will

caus e appliance to run longer in order to m aintain
des ired tem perature.

Interior appliance
tem perature is too cold.

* Tem perature control is s et too


* Turn control knob to a warm er setting. Allow

s everal hours for the tem perature to stabilize.

Interior appliance
tem perature is too warm .

* Tem perature control is s et too

warm .

* Turn control knob to a colder s etting. Allow s everal

hours for the tem perature to s tabilize.

* Door is opened too frequently or

kept open too long.

* Warm air entering the appliance causes it to run

m ore. Open the door les s often.

* Appliance door m ay be s lightly

* See "Door Problem s ".

* Large am ount of warm or hot

food have been s tored recently.

* Wait until the appliance has had a chance to

reach its s elected tem perature.

* Appliance has recently been

dis connected for a period of tim e.

* appliance requires 24 hours to cool down

com pletely.

Appliance external
s urface tem perature is
warm .

* The external appliance walls can

be as m uch as 30ºF warm er than
room tem perature.

* This is norm al while the com pres s or works to

trans fer heat from ins ide the appliance cabinet.

Louder s ound levels
whenever appliance is

* Modern appliances have

increas ed s torage capacity and
m ore s table tem peratures . They
require heavy duty com pres sors .

* This is norm al. When the s urrounding nois e level

is low, you m ight hear the com pres s or running
while it cools the interior.

Louder s ound levels
when com pres s or
com es on.

* Appliance operates at higher

pres s ures during the start of the
ON cycle.

* This is norm al. Sound will level off or dis appear

as appliance continues to run.

Popping or cracking
s ound when com pres s or
com es on.

* Metal parts undergo expans ion

and contraction, as in hot water
pipes .

* This is norm al. Sound will level off or dis appear

as appliance continues to run.




Before calling for s ervice, review this lis t. It m ay s ave you tim e and expens e. This lis t
includes com m on occurrences that are not the res ult of defective workm ans hip or
m aterials in this appliance.