Starting – FORD 2000 Focus User Manual
Page 125

2. If the temperature is above
-12ºC (10ºF) and the engine does
not start within five seconds on the
first try, turnthe key to OFF, wait
ten seconds and try again.
3. If the temperature is below
-12ºC (10ºF) and the engine does
not start infifteenseconds onthe
first try, turnthe key to OFF and
wait ten seconds and try again. If
the engine does not start in two
attempts, depress the accelerator
and start the engine while holding
the accelerator downto the floor.
Release the accelerator whenthe
engine starts.
4. After idling for a few seconds,
apply the brake and release the
parking brake.
Using the engine block heater
(if equipped)
An engine block heater warms the
engine coolant, which improves
starting, warms up the engine
faster and allows the heaterĆ
defroster system to respond
quickly. Use of an engine block
heater is strongly recommended if
you live ina regionwhere
temperatures reach -23ºC (-10ºF)
or below.
For best results, plug the heater in
at least three hours before starting
the vehicle. Using the heater for
longer than three hours will not
harm the engine, so the heater can
be plugged inthe night before
starting the vehicle.