2 work area requirements, 4 dynamic disk resources, 5 memory requirements – FUJITSU Ethernet 2.4 User Manual

Page 5: 6 swap space, 4 restrictions and notes, 1 restrictions, 2 notes, 1 about packages, 2 using primecluster gls 4.0 (multipath function), 3 using primecluster gls 4.1 (multipath function)

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4 /opt



3.3.2 Work area requirements


3.4 Dynamic Disk Resources


3.5 Memory Requirements

The following table shows the memory required when you use this software for the following operations.

No. Memory




1 9




*This value shows required memory per a port.In Quad GigabitEthernet card(PW008QG1), about 36 megabytes

memory size is required for a card.

3.6 Swap Space

Swap space is not used.

4 Restrictions



4.1 Restrictions

A JumboFrame function or VLAN interface cannot be used for the private LAN of "SynfinityCluster" and the
cluster interconnect of "PRIMECLUSTER".

VLAN interface cannot be used with "SynfinityLINK" and "PRIMECLUSTER GLS" (But, PRIMECLUSTER
GLS 4.1A30 or later only Fast switching mode or NIC switching mode can use VLAN interface.).

4.2 Notes

4.2.1 About packages

In case of using on PRIMEPOWER1 or PRIMEPOWER100, please be sure to install the package for

PRIMEPOWER1/100 (a procedure is referring to "6. Installation Procedures"). And on other machines, please be

sure to install the package for each Solaris OS of use (a procedure is referring to " 6.2 Installing Software "). In

addition, the packages for Solaris 8 OS are not able to be installed in Solaris 7 OS.

4.2.2 Using PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.0 (Multipath Function)

When using PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.0 (Multipath Function), it is needed 911872-03 or later patch.

4.2.3 Using PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.1 (Multipath Function)

When using PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.1 (Multipath Function), it is needed 912419-02 or later patch.

4.2.4 Static electrocity (PW008GE5/PW0G8GE2 and PW008QG1)

Twisted-pair cables may be charged with static electricity due to environment. If the electrified cables are

continuously used, system and/or LAN interface of system may be damaged, or may malfunction. When you newly

install or move the cables, it is necessary to remove static electricity from the cables. In Japan, you can order

tool(TS2002-001) in order to remove static electricity. In other countries, please consult with your local service.

4.2.5 About VLAN function and LinkAggregation function and Quad

GigabitEthernet support

VLAN(Virtual LAN) function can be used in Solaris 8 OS or later.