Front panel functions – Fender VIBRO-KING User Manual

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A. INPUT 1 - Plug your guitar in here.

B. INPUT 2 - A lower impedance and sensitivity input
than input 1, useful for guitars with active pickups.
NOTE: Input 2 may also be used for chaining multiple
amps together. With your guitar plugged into input 1,
insert a cord in the number 2 input and connect the
other end of the cord to another amplifier. The
number 2 input now acts as a Y jack sending the
guitar’s input signal to another amplifier.

C. DWELL - Adjusts the amount of Reverb sustain.
Lower settings create a “choked” or gated effect,
while higher settings produce a bouncy or saturated
(water dripping in a cave) effect.

D. MIX - Adjusts the “wet / dry” ratio of the Reverb.
Lower settings produce a “drier” guitar sound with
less Reverb. A higher setting will produce a “wetter”
or heavier Reverb signal in the mix.

E. TONE - Adjusts the overall tonal characteristics
of the Reverb. Lower settings produce a darker
Reverb sound while higher settings produce a much
brighter sound.

F. FAT - In the up position, this switch boosts the gain
of the preamp in a frequency range best suited for an
electric guitar. This results in an overdriven or “fatter”
sound at lower volumes.

G. VOLUME - Adjust the overall volume of the Vibro-
King Amplifier.