Index – Franklin F IC-129 User Manual
Page 61

Adjusting screen contrast 6
All-star games 23, 25
American League Champi-
onship Series 23
following 10
about 10
Automatic shutoff
setting 8
Award winners 23, 25
Bad requests 22
replacing 59
Batting stats
defined 11
finding batters' 14
finding pitchers' 15
list of 11
of pitchers 15, 32
pitchers' 32
Best- & worst-ever lists
batting 27
pitching 30
Biographical stats
in ratios 51
limiting in requests 40
list of 11
using in requests 31
Birthdays 26
finding 26
how calculated for season
stats 40
Cy Young winners 25
Demonstration 7
Digital Book System
cleaning 60
protecting 60
replacing batteries 59
restarting 54
sending words between 55
turn on or off 5
installing 5, 54
switching between 55
a city 17
names 16
teams 16
information accidentally 5
batting stats by player 14
games behind first 20
handedness 14
height 14
league standings 20
Next/Prev years standings 21
pitcher's stats 15
players' stats
batting 14
team stats 17
team won/lost records over the
seasons 21
weight 14
World Series results 23
First time players 23, 25, 26
GB (games behind) 20
Hall of Fame 23, 25
Hall of Famers
as a qualifier 46