Franklin F IC-129 User Manual
Page 33

Using the MORE key
When you enter a player’s name, Big League
Baseball Encyclopedia
shows batting stats if
the player batted for more seasons than he
pitched. If he pitched for an equal number or
more seasons than he batted, you see his
pitching stats.
How do you see a pitcher’s batting stats, if he
has any? Try this example:
1. At the Request Line, type
s t e v e c a r l t o n
s t e v e c a r l t o n
s t e v e c a r l t o n
s t e v e c a r l t o n
s t e v e c a r l t o n
2. Press and then use the arrows to
see his pitching stats.
3. Press to see his batting stats.
4.To return to his pitching stats, press
To see a batter’s pitching stats, follow the same
steps. Try
b a b e r u t h
b a b e r u t h
b a b e r u t h
b a b e r u t h
b a b e r u t h
as an example.
Best and Worst Pitching Stats
- RMB-2030 (20 pages)
- WGM-2037 (23 pages)
- eBook Reader (20 pages)
- BOOKMAN CED-2031 (27 pages)
- HW-1216 (24 pages)
- SDK-765 (78 pages)
- RDC-525 (50 pages)
- Webster's Spelling Corrector NCS-100 (13 pages)
- Perito Ingles Portuguese Expert DBP-2076 (21 pages)
- Bookman MWD-640 (19 pages)
- BOOKMAN BJP-2034 (19 pages)
- Deutsch/Englisch Professor DBD-440 (18 pages)
- Deutsch/English Professor PRO BDS-1840 (38 pages)
- SA-209 (24 pages)
- Bookman BDK-1460 (24 pages)
- HOLY BIBLE BIB-1450 (35 pages)
- EnglishFrench BFQ-470 (40 pages)
- Talking Children's Dictionary CDS-240 (24 pages)
- KJB-640 (19 pages)
- The English Language Studio LDE-1900 (73 pages)
- BQL-2066 (23 pages)
- EMG-2006 (16 pages)
- Pocket English Professor DBF-110 (11 pages)
- CDR-440 (20 pages)
- Dictionnaire Franais/Anglais DBF-116 (13 pages)
- Merriam Webster Dictionary MWD-450 (26 pages)
- Webster's Spelling Corrector NC-10 (8 pages)
- HW-216 (24 pages)
- Travel Translator F4 FLE-100 (17 pages)
- Advanced Thesaurus ATH-440 (16 pages)
- Deutsch/English Professor PRO BDS-1860 (71 pages)
- SpellingAce With Thesaurus SA-206 (20 pages)
- EBM-901 (243 pages)
- BOOKMAN CDR-2041 (20 pages)
- Talking Children's Dictionary KID-1240 (24 pages)
- SA-98 (19 pages)
- BPS-840 (42 pages)
- German/English Dictionary DBD-1450 (32 pages)
- KJB-770 (21 pages)
- BOOKMAN DBD-2015 (17 pages)
- Deutsch-Englisch Professor PLUS None (26 pages)
- BES-1870 (92 pages)
- Crossword Puzzle Dictionary CWP-570 (7 pages)