Freedom9 USB User Manual
Page 40

freeStor Mini 210/310 User’s Manual
3. On the next window (Figure 65), click “New”.
Figure 65: Schedule Window
4. Under Schedule Task, select when these backups will run. The available options are listed
below. Click the “Advanced” button for more advanced methods of defining the schedule.
Daily: Select the number of days between backups and the time of day to
perform a backup.
Weekly: Select the number of weeks between backups, and the day(s) of the
week and the time of day to perform a backup.
Monthly: Select which months and which day of the month to perform a backup.
Once: Select which day and time to perform a backup. It will only run once.
At System Startup: Perform a backup every time the system start up.
At Logon: Perform a backup every time you log into Windows.
While Idle: Perform a backup when your computer has been idle for a preset
amount of time.