ATL Telecom Telex User Manual
Page 14
Display Complete Configuration (Y)
Used when in prompted mode for displaying the complete
configuration table from the beginning.
Exit Configuration (Z)
To exit configuration in both permanent change and temporary
change mode.
Activating the changes
After making changes to the configuration and exit from the
configuration menu, it is necessary to action the new parameters in
the non-volatile memory. This can be done in one of three ways:
Press the RESET button,
Turn the mains power off, then back on,
Send the command
In all cases (except if Automatic Reset option is enabled) the unit will
initialise and send the R: ENTER RESET message to the Host. The unit
is then brought back on line by sending ESC A. If speed changes are
made, these are functional from the start of the output of the R:
ENTER RESET message.
The 5 LED's on the Telex Unit front panel provide a visual indication of
the operational state of the unit. Typical examples are,
all LED's off for longer than 5 seconds; no power
all LED's on;
Reset command required.
Tx or Rx flashing (Host or Telex);
indication of data transfer in
progress on Host or Telex
Any queries regarding the correct operation of the Telex Unit should
be referred to the Host equipment supplier.