ATL Telecom Telex User Manual

Page 13

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The Generic option is an unsupported choice. It is provided to allow
users the option of attaching a printer of their own choice.

Printer Speed (H)
Shows the speed of the printer interface.

Printer Data Bits (I)
Shows the number of bits in a byte over the printer interface.

Printer Stop Bits (J)
Shows the number of stop bits in a byte over the printer interface.

Printer Parity (K)
Shows the parity of each data byte over the printer interface.

Printer Flow Control (L)
Shows the flow control being used by the printer.

Go ahead on Buffer Empty (M)
Computers that send data in blocks use this option. After a Block has
been used up (i.e. the buffer is empty) the Telex Unit sends a Go Ahead
(SO) to the Host.

Printer Compulsory (R)
This option indicates whether the presence of the printer overrides
Host security such that continued acceptance of incoming calls is
permitted when the host computer is in fault condition.

Drop Carrier on Line Closed (S)
This option controls the state of the carrier presented to the telex line
under a Closed Line condition. The default value leaves the carrier
enabled in a Closed Line condition.

Automatic Reset (T)
The default value for this option means that a soft reset command,
(ESC) A, is required to put the unit into idle state from a power up
state. This is the normal operation of the telex unit when driven by
most applications. By enabling this option, the telex unit goes directly
on line without requiring a reset command.

Previous Line (X)
Used when in prompted mode for displaying the previous
configuration parameter.