Interlink Electronics FSLP Sensor User Manual
Page 13
Force Sensing Linear Potentiometer (FSLP)
Integration Guide
Step 3: Take two measurements
Take an ADC reading on the ADC connected to sensor terminal 3. Call this V1.
Take an ADC reading on the ADC connected to senor terminal 1. Call this V2.
Step 4: Calculate the pressure
We know the values of V2 and R
. Therefore, the current through R
can be
calculated as
The current I, is the same current that flows through Rp.
No current flows through R2; therefore, the voltage drop across Rp is simply V1-V2.
Rp now be calculated using:
Because the value of Rp decreases with force, what we really want is the reciprocal
of the expression above:
is a constant; therefore, we can think of it as a scaling factor. The scaling factor
should be a convenient value, typically a power of 2 (e.g. 32 or 64). Choose the value
of the scaling factor on an application-specific basis to yield the best data.
The final expression is: