10 heartbeat, 11 irt mode – ifm electronic RN7003 User Manual
Page 21

CANopen encoder
To save the PDO mapping in the EEPROM transmit:
60F 23 10 10 02 73 61 76 65 Save all communication parameters by trans-
mitting the ASCII code for "SAVE" to object
0x1010, subindex 2
The RM and RN type encoders can act as heartbeat producer� The time between
two heartbeats is configured in the object "producer heartbeat time" (0x1017) and
is in the millisecond range (1���65535)� If the "producer heartbeat time" (0x1017) is
zero (0), heartbeat is deactivated�
The object "producer heartbeat time" (0x1017) is stored in the non-volatile
EEPROM and reloaded at start-up�
IRT mode
In order to enhance the real-time characteristics the encoder can operate in the
IRT (Isochronous Real Time) mode� In the normal operating mode the position
value is sampled cyclically every 0�5 ms� If "read position at SYNC" is disabled, the
PDO2 (transmit data at SYNC) uses the last sampled position of the encoder� This
adds a non real-time characteristics to the output position value� In the IRT mode
"read position at SYNC" is set� The position value is only sampled if the SYNC
message is received�
If the bit "read position at SYNC" is set in the operating parameter object (0x6000),
the following changes are made:
The speed object (0x6030) and the acceleration object (0x6040) are disabled
because the cyclic position sampling is mandatory for calculating these values�
PDO1 (transmit data cyclically) is disabled, object 0x1800, subindex 1, bit 31 is
set and stored in the EEPROM�
The object "transmit PDO1" (0x1800) is only read if the bit "read position at
SYNC" is set�
PDO2 (transmit data at SYNC) is only set to transmit position data and the new
PDO2 mapping is stored in the EEPROM�
The object "PDO2 tx mapping" (0x1A01) is only read if the bit "read position at
SYNC" is set�
If the speed and acceleration values are needed during operation in the IRT
mode, it is recommended to calculate these values in the master applica-
tion and to use the master clock (SYNC message) as a reference�
code sequence