The automode key, Navigational mode – Becker TRAFFIC ASSIST HIGHSPEED 7934 User Manual
Page 54
Navigational mode
The Automode key
You can choose the following settings in
the Automode configuration window:
Confirm your selection by pressing
OK key.
Start setting
Decide whether you
wish to have a 3D dis-
play or 2D display of
the map as the default
3D autozoom Decide whether
you wish to work with
Autozoom or No auto-
zoom as the default set-
ting while navigating in
the 3D display.
With the Autozoom op-
tion, the zoom range va-
ries according to your
speed: When you drive
slowly, the scale is de-
creased. When you dri-
ve faster, the scale is in-
2D autozoom Decide whether you
wish to work with Low-
range autozoom, Nor-
mal autozoom, High-
range autozoom or No
autozoom as your de-
fault setting while navi-
gating in the 2D display.
With the Autozoom op-
tion, the zoom range va-
ries according to your
speed: When you drive
slowly, the scale is de-
creased. When you dri-
ve faster, the scale is in-
2D display
Decide whether you
want the map to
face North or In route
direction as the default
setting while you are na-
vigating in the 2D dis-