Dvd player codes, Reference – Dish Network Duo ViP 222 User Manual
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Remote Control Device Codes
Elan 699
Emerson 820
ESA 757
Fisher 850
Fosgate 700
Garrard 851
Gateway 743
General Electric 638
Glory Horse 728
Go Video 742
Goldstar 814
GPX 834
Gradiente 682
Halfer 758
Harman/Kardon 640 685 725
Hitachi 850
Honyas 770
iLive 835
Initial 735
Inkel 714
Insignia 825
Integra 650
Jamo 837
JBL 642
JC Penney see Penney
Jensen 775
JVC 637 663 786 827 848
Kenwood 658 662 668 774 795 828
829 830 840
KLH 659
Knoll Systems 701
Koss 739
Lasonic 746
Left Coast 640
Lenoxx 736
Lexicon 724
LG 836
Linn 685 725
Liquid Video 739
Lloyds 717
Logitech 702
Luxman 704
LXI 716
M. Wards see Wards
Magnadyne 776
Magnavox 652 654 685 725
Marantz 640 645 685 725 764
Mark Levinson 705
McIntosh 706
MCS 719
Memorex 777
Midland 707
Mitsubishi 859
Modulaire 717
Motorola 737
NAD 648
Nakamichi 649
NEC 641
Nexxtech 711
Nikko 708
Niro 779
Norcent 731
Nova 780
Omnifi 745
Onkyo 671 785 788 790 791 838
Optimus 635 652 653 772 845
Oritron 739
Panasonic 643 677 678 783 797
799 808 810 817 818 821
Parasound 647
Penney 717
Philco 781
Philips 640 685 725
Philips Magnavox 860
Pioneer 635 652 664 666 767 772
806 813 844 845
Polaroid 679
Polk Audio 640 645 685 764
Proscan 703 853
Proton 654
Pyle 782
Quasar 799
Radio Shack 717 728
RCA 635 652 653 659 675 703 772
842 845 852 853
RCA & Dimensia 703 853
Realistic 717
Regent 736
Rio 661
Rotel 674
Saba 741
Samsung 807
Sansui 685 725
Sanyo 824 850
Schneider 787
Scientific Atlanta 721
Scott 715
Sharp 832
Sharper Image 728
Sherwood 833
Shinsonic 789
Shure 641
Sonic Blue 661
Sony 683 730 765 766 769 771 773
778 784 793 794 803 846
Soundesign 638
Soundmatters 763
Soundstream 709
Stereophonics 635 845
STS 792
Sunfire 658 840
Symphonic 747
TAG McLaren 796
Teac 653 659
Technics 643 672 768 804 805 808
Techwood 798
Thomson 800
Thorens 685
Toshiba 822
Vector Research 801
Venturer 659
Victor 637 827
Wards 635 638 685 725
Yamaha 646 650 651 655 657 663
684 732 733 786 823 841 847 848
Yorx 717
Zenith 814
DVD Player Codes
Programming in AUX mode:
In most cases use these
codes to program in VCR
mode; however, if
programming in AUX mode,
press 1 before entering the
VCR code.
Accurian 602
Advent 572
Aiwa 694
Akai 656 752 815
Alco 765
Allegro 683
Alpine 653
Amphion MediaWorks 586
AMW 586
Anaba 687
Anam 688
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