Lingenfelter LTCC User Manual

Page 8

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Special Instructions for 1992 Corvette Installation

As noted above, the 1992 Corvette is a special case. The connector is not compatible
with the later style connector used on the LTCC. To remedy this, there are two options,

acquiring the harness ends that will allow you to change them over, or, carefully
soldering the LTCC harness ends to the existing 1992 OptiSpark connector.

Either way, you will need to be aware of how the OE 1992 connector looks. Please see
the graphic below, for the pin out.

What is most important to realize, the pins are letter coded, A, B, C and D. The GM “A”
is EQUAL to the pigtails “A” on the LTCC harness.

Editor’s Note: I decided to solder. It was Saturday, and there was no chance to get the

parts until later the following week. Soldering took less than 30 minutes.

If you take the soldering route, here are some pointers that should make it a more

pleasant experience.

If you are NOT good at soldering, do not learn on this project. The consequences of

learning here are potentially expensive. Find a buddy who can and buy’m a six-pack!

If you are good, the better the iron, the better the job. I recommend the Blue Point

Butane Iron. If you use electric, Weller’s SP40 or SP80 are great tools, too.

The easiest way to do this is to remove the OptiSparks pigtail completely from the car.
To remove it, remove the connector from the manifold, remove the SOV Purge Valve and
remove the standoff from the fuel injection rail cover, and finally, remove the harness

from the OptiSpark itself. It’s a bit tricky, but can be done. Once off, peal-back about
three inches of convolute tubing and remove the foil and electrical tape.

Next, remove about 3/8ths of an inch of insulation. Do not cut the harness. Simply
strip the exposed wires from the LTCC OptiSpark harness wires to the bared wires, per
the chart below.

Note: If you are color blind, please get help! Again, damage here will be expensive.

I recommend 3M Rubber Electrical Tape. Tape of this nature is sometimes called self-
vulcanizing. Do not use vinyl tape! It will not last! The same applies to liquid tape.

Heat has a tendency to cause liquid electrical tape to go brittle over time.

Similar problems exist with the coil wiring.

Connect the Pink Wires to the Pink w/Black trace wire that formerly fed the single LT1
coil. Some models use a pink wire here. Verify 12 volts key-on to feed the pink LTCC

Note: The production coil and ignition module are no longer used.