Export connector setup, Chapter 2 – Kofax Export Connector 1.0.0 User Manual
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Kofax Export Connector 1.0.0 for Box Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2
Export Connector Setup
This chapter gives you instructions for accessing the export connector setup window for
Kofax Capture or Kofax Express. Use the setup window to specify export settings to control
how documents, folders, and other information are exported to the Box repository.
Once you access the setup window, see the online Help for details about individual settings.
Note When exporting to Kofax Export Connector for Box, be aware that each Box account
accepts batches from a maximum of eight instances of the Export service.
Using Kofax Capture to Access the Export Connector Setup
Use your Box account login credentials to access the setup window for the export connector.
1 Start the Kofax Capture Administration module.
2 On the Definitions panel, click the Batch tab and right-click the applicable document
class to display a context menu.
3 On the context menu, click Export Connectors.
The Export Connectors window displays a list of all available (registered) export
connectors. Once you install Kofax Export Connector for Box, it is automatically
registered for use with Kofax Capture.
4 On the Available Export Connectors list, double-click the export connector name, or
select the name and click Add.
The Login to Grant Access to Box window appears.
5 Enter your Box user name or email address and password, and then click Authorize.
You are prompted to allow the export connector to access your Box account.
6 Click Grant access to Box.
The export connector setup window appears.
7 On the setup window, click Help to get more information about the settings on any tab.
Using Kofax Express to Access the Export Connector Setup
Use your Box account login credentials to access the setup window for the export connector.
1 Start Kofax Express.
2 On the Job Setup tab, in the Export group, on the Connector list, select Kofax Export
Connector for Box.
3 Click the setup tool.
The Login to Grant Access to Box window appears.
4 Enter your Box user name or email address and password, and then click Authorize.