Inovonics EE1243 User Manual
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5.21.14 06598A © Inovonics, 2014 -
2.4 Enable EchoStream Select
To meet ETSI requirements, Inovonics has developed a new line of EE
868MHz-only products. These new 868MHz-only products are compatible
with older systems that include EchoStream select products. If you are
using any ES products in your current system, you will need to enable
EchoStream select compatibility on this new 868MHz-only product; if you
are not using any EchoStream select products, skip to section 2.5, “Set
CleanMe®/Low Battery Reporting”.
To enable compatibility with ES products:
7. Place a selection jumper on the enable EchoStream selection pins.
2.5 Set CleanMe
/Low Battery Reporting
Set as the factory default, the EE1243 combines the low battery signal with
a signal indicating the detector needs cleaning. If you want to use this
multiple condition indication, skip to 2.6, “Register the EE1243”. If multiple-
condition indication is not desired, you can disable wireless reporting of the
CleanMe status.
8. To disable CleanMe reporting, move the jumper on the low battery/
CleanMe selection pins to Low Bat.
Note: Low battery/CleanMe messages are suppressed when an alarm is
being transmitted.
Note: Even if CleanMe notification is disabled, the sensitivity test will still
indicate sensor condition.
2.6 Register the EE1243
The EE1243 must be registered to function in your EchoStream system.
Refer to your receiver, network coordinator or control panel manual for
registration instructions. Inovonics Wireless recommends all EchoStream
transmitters be supervised.
9. When prompted, press the EE1243 reset button to complete
2.7 Mount the EE1243
10. Use the provided anchors and screws to mount the EE1243, paying
careful consideration to the following best practices:
Caution: Regulations pertaining to smoke sensor installations vary. For
more information, contact your local fire department or local authority
having jurisdiction.
• Install a minimum of two smoke sensors in any household.
• Put a smoke sensor in the hallway outside of every bedroom area.
• Put a smoke sensor on every level of a multi-level residence.
• In rooms with sloped ceilings, install smoke sensors 0.9m (3 feet)
measured down from the highest point of the ceiling.
• Install basement sensors on the ceiling as close to the center of the
room as possible. If this is not practical, install on the ceiling no closer
than 10cm (4 inches) from any wall or corner.
• If ceiling mounting is not practical, install on an inside wall between 10
an 15cm (4 and 6 inches) from the ceiling.
• Put smoke sensors at both ends of a bedroom hallway if the hallway is
more than 9m (30 feet) long. Large rooms over 84 square meters (900
square feet) require more than a single sensor.
• Areas with rough ceilings or short, transom-type walls coming down
from the ceiling require additional smoke sensors.
• Install second-floor smoke sensors on the ceiling at the top of the first-
to-second floor stairwell. Be sure that no door or other obstruction
blocks the path of smoke to the sensor.
Do not locate sensors:
• To a drop ceiling tile; mount it to a metal runner.
• In or near areas such as kitchens or garages, where smoke or vehicle
exhausts normally occur (protect these areas with heat-detection
devices, not with smoke sensors); near furnaces, hot water heaters,
or gas space heaters.
• In damp or very humid areas, or next to bathrooms with showers.
Install sensors at least 1.5m (5 feet) away from bathrooms.
• In very cold or very hot areas.
• In dusty, dirty, or insect infested areas.
• Near fresh air inlets or returns or excessively drafty areas. Air
conditioners, heater, fans, and fresh air intakes and returns can drive
smoke away from smoke sensors.
• In dead air spaces at the top of a peaked ceiling or wall/ ceiling
intersect. Dead air may prevent smoke from reaching a smoke sensor.
• Near fluorescent light fixtures. Install smoke sensors at least 3m (10
feet) away from fluorescent light fixtures.
• Between protruding ceiling structures such as beams or walls which
can create dead air spaces and may prohibit smoke from reaching the
Caution: All sensors are subject to possible compromise or failure-to-warn
for a variety of reasons. For example: Smoke sensors cannot detect smoke
in chimneys, walls, roofs, or smoke blocked by a closed door; sensors may
not detect smoke on other levels of the building; sensors may not warn in
time when fires are caused by smoking in bed, explosions, improper
storage of flammables, overloaded electrical circuits, or other hazardous
3 Test the EE1243
Caution: To avoid a fire department dispatch, contact the central
monitoring station or, if possible, put the system into sensor test mode.
There are two ways to test the EE1243 smoke detector sensor. The
sensitivity test should be performed every week; the smoke test should be
performed at least once a year. Both tests activate the alarm sounder and
send alarm signals.
The EE1243 should also be tested after initial registration, as well as each
time the smoke chamber is changed or the batteries are replaced.
3.1 Smoke Test
1. Use aerosol simulated smoke, such as ESL Smoke! In a Can® (ESL
Part No. SM-200) to perform the smoke test.
The LED will remain on while the built-in transmitter sends an alarm signal,
and the sensor will produce a three-beep pattern.
2. Press the test/silence button to end the test.
The sensor automatically resets when smoke is no longer present. A
sensor that fails to activate may require cleaning. If a sensor still fails to
activate after cleaning, return the unit for service.
3.2 Sensitivity Test
1. Press and hold the test button for four seconds, then release it. The
LED will flash corresponding to the sensor’s sensitivity.
During this test, the control panel, serial receiver or network coordinator
should receive an alarm and a low battery signal, if low battery is selected,
followed a few seconds later by a restoral.
If the control device fails to respond, it is possible the EE1243 failed to
reset properly when the batteries were installed. To force a reset, remove
the batteries from the EE1243 for a least 30 seconds, reinstall them, press
the reset button, then retest as described above.
4 Clean the EE1243
Clean the sensor cover with a dry or damp cloth as needed to keep it free
from dust and dirt. Clean the sensor interior and replace the optical
chamber at least once each year. Use only ESL model 211 optical
chambers for replacement. To clean the sensor chamber:
1. Remove the sensor body from the mounting base.
2. Remove the batteries.
3. Slide a flat-blade screwdriver in the slot on the sensor cap and gently
push the handle down to pry the cap off.
4. Squeeze the optical chamber where indicated and pull it up and away
from the sensor. Discard.
5. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove dust and dirt from the smoke
chamber base.
6. Align the new optical chamber with the base and snap it down into
7. Replace the sensor cap.
8. Reinstall the batteries.
9. Replace the battery cover.
Sensor Condition/Action
Self-diagnostics failure. Return sensor for service/
Sensor is becoming insensitive. Clean the sensor (see
“Clean the EE1243”) and retest. If error persists, replace
Sensor is within normal sensitivity range.
Sensor is becoming too sensitive. Verify that the smoke
chamber is snapped down securely. Clean the sensor and