Precautions ( battery pack ), Read me first – Panasonic CF-M34 series User Manual

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Precautions ( Battery Pack )

Care should be exercised with regard to the following in
order to avoid the possibility of overheating, fire or dam­


Avoid Heat

Do not throw the battery pack into a fire or

expose it to excessive heat.

Keep Articles Away
Do not place the battery pack together with ar­
ticles such as necklaces or hairpins when carry­

ing or storing.

Do iNot Disassemble

Do not insert sharp objects into the battery pack,
expose it to bumps or shocks, deform, disas­
semble, or modify it.

Do Not Short
Do not short the positive (-(-) and negative (-)


Avoid Extreme Heat, Cold and Direct Sun­

Do not charge, use or leave the battery pack for
extended periods where it will be exposed to
direct sunlight, in a hot place (in an automobile
on a sunny day, for example), or in a cold place.

Do Not Use With Any Other Computer

The battery pack is rechargeable and was in­
tended for the specified computer or charger.

Do not use it with a computer other than the

one for which it was designed.

Do Not Put into a Microwave
Do not put the battery pack into a microwave

oven or a pressurized chamber.

Discontinue Use
Should the battery emit an abnormal odor, be­
come hot to the touch, become discolored,
change shape, or become in any way difl'erent

from normal, remove it from the computer or

charger and discontinue use.

Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The bat­

tery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts
are dirty or damaged.

Do not expose the battery pack to water, or allow it to

become wet.

If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time

(a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack
until the remaining battery level becomes 30% to 40% and
store it in a cool, dry place.
This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by re­
charging only when the remaining power is less than approx.
95% of capacity.
The battery pack is not charged w'hcn the computer is first
purchased. Be sure to charge it before using it for the first

time. When the AC adapter is connected to the computer,
charging begins automatically.

Should the battery leak and the fluid get into your eyes, do not

rub your eyes. Immediately flush your eyes with clear water
and see a doctor for medical treatment as soon as possible.



The battery pack may become warm during recharging or
normal use. This is completely normal.

Recharging will not commence outside of the allowable

temperature range (0 °C to 50 °C {32°F to 122 °F})0’

"Battery Power". Once the allowable range re­

quirement is satisfied, charging begins automatically.

Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage
conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the
temperature is 10

{50 °F} or less.)

If the temperature is low, the operating time is shortened. Only

use the computer within the allowable temperature range.

The battery pack is a consumable item. If the amount of

time the computer can be run off a particular battery pack
becomes dramatically shorter and repeated rechargings do
not restore its performance, the battery pack should be
replaced with a new' one.

When a spare battery pack is to be carried in a pocket or
bag, it is recommended that it be placed in a plastic bag so
that its contacts are protected.
Ahvays pow'er off the computer when it is not in use.

Leaving the computer on when the AC adapter is not

connected wall exhaust the remaining battery capacity.