Allen&Heath ZED POWER User Manual

Page 26

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Allen & Heath 26


Monitor Level & Source switch

Controls the volume of the stereo monitor outputs

from off (fully attenuated) to +10dB of gain.

The switch allows the stereo monitor outputs (RCA

phonos) to be sourced either from the headphone

monitor selection, or from the main stereo mix.

Useful for splitting the functions of the stereo moni-

tor outputs from the headphones.

Stereo Meters

12 Segment LED meters with fast attack (4mSec) and

medium decay (1Sec).

The meters display the signals selected by the

Phones Select switches, or the mono Listen signal

(PFL) if activated by any of the Listen switches.


PFL (Pre-Fade Listen) active LED

A red LED to indicate a Listen switch has been

pressed on one of the channels.

Doing this will override the Phones select source to

the headphones and send the Listen signal to the


Headphones level

Controls the volume of signal to the headphones.

Warning ! To avoid damage to

your hearing do not operate the

headphones or sound system at

excessively high volume.

Continued exposure to high

volume sound can cause

frequency selective or wide

range hearing loss.

Phones Source Selector switches
These switches allow you to choose what you hear on the

headphones. With all switches up the default is the main

stereo Mix, then you can choose between the 2 Track
input (USB Input if nothing is plugged into the jacks), the

Aux bus output, or the Record bus output. Pressing any

Listen switch will override the selection and allow you to

monitor individual channels.

Headphones Output
Standard 1/4” (6.25mm) jack socket wired Tip=Left,

Ring=Right, Sleeve=Ground.