Iris Sample Processing StatSpin® ThermoBrite Denaturation and Hybridization User Manual
Page 9

Hyb only:
PGM -- namexxxxxx
Hyb in Process
(“Ambient Temp High!”
flashes alternately on this line)
Hyb --
C --:--
Present Temp: --
Fixed Temp:
PGM -- namexxxxxx
Fixed Temp --
(“Ambient Temp High!”
flashes alternately on this line)
Reset Timer 00:00:00
End PGM/Main Menu
Abort Screen Message
Are You Sure?
Yes – Main Menu
If the ambient temperature changes after a process is completed, but before the user removes the slides and
causes the instrument process set temperature to change beyond the +/- 1
specification for more than 2
minutes a message will appear to inform the user that the ambient temperature is high. A constant beep will
sound. The counter will continue to count. The present temperature will be displayed. Hitting the “Stop” button
will allow user to abort the process. A new screen will be displayed asking user if they are sure they want to
Hyb only:
PGM -- namexxxxxx
(“Ambient Temp High!”
flashes alternately on this line)
Total Hyb Time --:--
End PGM/Main Menu
Abort Screen Message
Are You Sure?
Yes – Main Menu
Note: If 40 programs have been created or edited the software will blank out the
“Create a PGM” mode on the
main menu screen. This will only allow users to edit existing programs.
Run a PGM
Edit a PGM
Present Temp: --