Sound modes: presetname: bass management, Sound modes: presetname: balance l/r – Bang & Olufsen BeoVision Avant - Technical Sound Guide User Manual

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Setup: Sound: Sound Modes: PRESETNAME: Bass Management

This setting allows you to turn the Bass

Management on and off for the current
Sound Mode. When the Bass
Management is ON, the low frequency
content in your audio signal may be re-
routed to different loudspeakers,
depending on their capabilities.

For example, if you have two small
loudspeakers and a subwoofer, and Bass
Management is on, then the low
frequency signals will be directed to
your subwoofer instead of to your
smaller main loudspeakers. If Bass
Management is OFF, then low-frequency
content in your main audio channels will
not be re-directed to larger loud–
speakers in your system. Note, however,
that this will not have any effect on the
routing of the LFE channel to the
subwoofer(s) or the larger speakers.

Turning Bass Management on will not

merely re-direct low-frequency content
from the main audio channels to
subwoofers in your system. It will re-
direct low frequencies to the most
capable loudspeakers in your current
configuration (or Speaker Group). For
example, if you have full-range
loudspeakers (such as BeoLab 5s) for

your Left Front and Right Front channels,
and smaller loudspeakers (such as
BeoLab 3s) as the surround loudspeakers,
then the low frequency components of
the surround channels will be re-
directed to the front loudspeakers, since
the BeoLab 5s have a higher capacity to
play low frequencies louder than the
BeoLab 3s.

There are cases where bass will be re-

directed to a full-range loudspeaker
instead of to a subwoofer in your system.

This is because some full-range Bang &

Olufsen loudspeakers have a greater
capability to play low-frequency
materials than most subwoofers. For
example, if you have a system that
includes two BeoLab 5 and a BeoLab 2

subwoofer, all bass (whether from the
main input channels or the LFE input)
will be directed to the BeoLab 5s. In
other words, the BeoLab 2 will receive
no signals. This is because a single
BeoLab 5 is capable of playing louder

than a BeoLab 2 in all low-frequency
bands. Consequently, routing low
frequencies to your BeoLab 2 will be
equivalent to downgrading your
loudspeaker system. If you wish to do so,

this can be overridden using the

Advanced Settings of the Bass

Management and Bass Re-direction.

There is a table listing the automatic

decisions made by the Bass Management
system on the last page of this

Note that detailed parameters of the
Bass Management and Bass Re-direction
processing can be modified in the

Advanced Settings menu. (via Setup:

Sound: Speaker Groups: PRESETNAME:

Advanced Settings: Bass Management).

Options: ON / OFF.

Setup: Sound: Sound Modes: PRESETNAME: Loudness

Sadly, human hearing is imperfect. One
of the issues that we all suffer from is
that our perception of the timbre or

‘tone colour’ of a sound is not constant

with listening level. We are less sensitive
to low frequencies when they are played
at low listening levels. In other words, if
you are listening to music at a high level
and you turn down the volume, you will
notice that, the lower the volume, the
less bass you can hear. This is also true of
high frequencies, albeit to a lesser

The Loudness setting in your television

counteracts this effect. As you reduce
the volume, the bass and treble levels
are automatically increased to
compensate for your reduced perception
in the outer frequency bands.

If you do not wish this setting enabled,
Loudness should be set to OFF.

Note that the Loudness toggle (whether
it is on or off) is stored with the Sound
Mode, so different modes can have
different settings.

For more information on tuning this
setting and its precise effect on the
audio signal, see the explanation of the

Advanced Settings of the Loudness


Options: ON / OFF.