Scp-120 manual_10272_10 – WarmlyYours SCP-120 User Manual
Page 10

Confi guring the High Limit Sensor
Dip Switch pin 3 is used to set the high limit sensor op-
eration to one of two possible operational modes:
• OFF sets the high limit sensor as a slab regulating tem-
perature sensor.
• ON sets the high limit sensor as an ambient air sensor.
OFF is the factory default.
Index 8 shows how to confi gure the high limit sensor mode at
the DIP switch.
Factory Use Only
DIP switch pin 4 is for factory use only. The use of pin 4
except by authorized personnel may lead to improper operation
of the SCP-120
Bypassing the High Limit Temperature Sensor
If, for any reason, you need to operate the system with-
out the High Limit Temperature Sensor (for trouble shooting or
while waiting for a replacement sensor) you can temporarily re-
place the sensor with a 470K resistor. The resistor will allow the
system to run as if the sensed temperature was 40°F (4.4°C).
Refer to Figure 23 for placement of resistor.
DIP Switch Settings HLT
GF disabled
Figure 8: DIP Switch Setting
for High Limit Sensor