Choosing names for message catalogs, Choosing names for message catalogs -3 – BEA WebLogic Server User Manual

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Choosing Names for Message Catalogs

Internationalization Guide


Note: This directory path may vary, depending on where you chose to install

WebLogic Server.

Catalogs that provide different localizations of the base catalogs are defined in


subdirectories named for the locale (for example,


for Germany). You

might have a top-level catalog named


, and a German translation of it



. Typically the top-level catalog is English, but English is

not required for any catalogs except the installed WebLogic Server catalogs.

Locale designations (for example,


) also have a hierarchy as defined in the


documentation. A locale can include a language, country, and

variant. Language is the most common locale designation. Language can be extended
with a country code. For instance,


, indicates American English. The name of

the associated catalog is


. Variants are vendor or

browser-specific and are used to introduce minor differences (for example, collation
sequences) between two or more locales defined by either language or country.

Choosing Names for Message Catalogs

Because the name of a message catalog file (without the


extension) is used to

generate runtime class and property names, you should choose the name carefully.

Follow these guidelines for naming message catalogs:


Do not choose a message catalog name that conflicts with any names of existing
classes in the target package.


The message catalog name should only contain characters that are allowed in
class names.


Follow class naming standards.

For example, the resulting class names for a catalog named







The following considerations also apply to message catalog files:


Message IDs are generally six-character strings with leading zeros. Some
interfaces also support integer representations.