Synchronizing the tempo (tempo sync), Settings for each track, Track1:rec level 100 – Boss Audio Systems Boss Loop Station RC-300 User Manual
Page 18: Track1:pan center, Track1:loop sync on, Playback starting location, Track1:temposync on

Settings for Each Track
Track1:Rec Level
Adjusting the recording level of the Tracks (Recording Level)
You can adjust the recording level of the tracks.
If you set the recording level at 100 (default value), the volume of the performance and that
of the recording will be identical.
If you set the recording level to a value lower than 100, the volume of the recording will be
lower than that of the performance. As a result, the sound of the performance won’t get
buried by the recorded sound, even if you record a multiple number of times.
Adjusting the Positioning of the Track’s Sound (Pan)
You can adjust the positioning (panning) of the track’s sound.
With the “CENTER” setting, the sound will be heard from the center.
“L” settings position the sound toward the left, and “R” settings position the sound toward
the right. With a setting of L50, the sound will be heard only from the left.
Track1:Loop Sync
Aligning the Beginning of Loop Playback (Loop Sync)
If you turn Loop Sync on for two or more tracks, loop playback of those tracks will be synchronized at the beginning
of the longest phrase with Tempo Sync on among these tracks.
Loop Sync: ON
Loop Sync: ON
Loop Sync: OFF
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Play repeatedly, starting in synchronization with the
beginning of the longest phrase.
For tracks whose Loop Sync is off, playback
will repeat at the length of the phrase.
Playback starting location
If you turn Loop Sync on, the beginning of the tracks will always be aligned. This means that if tracks are already
playing back, the playback start location of the other tracks will become “the current location of the phrase being
played.” The following illustration is an example of how playback will occur with three tracks that contain the
identical melody but have different loop sync settings.
Loop Sync: ON
Loop Sync: ON
Loop Sync: OFF
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
For a track with Loop Sync on, playback starts midway
through the phrase (from the current location).
For a track with Loop Sync off, playback
always starts at the beginning of the phrase.
Playback will loop at the length of the phrase.
Playback will loop in synchronization with the start of the longest phrase of the tracks for
which Loop Sync is turned on.
Synchronizing the Tempo (Tempo Sync)
Each track saves the tempo at which that track was recorded. This is called the “original tempo” of the track. The
phrase memory also has a “phrase memory tempo” that is shared by all tracks 1, 2, and 3.
Normally, you should leave Tempo Sync on, so all tracks will play at the same tempo (the phrase memory tempo).
If you turn Tempo Sync off for tracks for which you don’t want the tempo to change (such as those with special
effects), you’ll be able to obtain playback that is always at the original tempo (track 3 in the illustration below).
Tempo Sync:
Tempo Sync:
Tempo Sync:
Playback Tempo: 120
Playback Tempo: 120
Playback Tempo: 80
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Tracks for which Tempo Sync is on will play at the phrase memory tempo.
Tracks for which Tempo
Sync is off will play at the
original tempo.
Phrase Memory Tempo: 120
Original Tempo: 140
Original Tempo: 100
Original Tempo: 80
The track will play at its own original tempo.
The track will play at the phrase memory tempo.