I.R.I.S. IRIScan Anywhere 3 for Windows User Manual
Page 4

These zones can be manipulated if necessary as described below to give you the expected output. By and large
unless there is a problem you can accept them as they are and process the document to Word or elsewhere as
outlined below.
If you need to adjust the zones you can do any of the following.
1. Right click on the zone and choose Window > Type and select the correct format.
2. Right click on any zone and choose delete and redraw the desired type using the tools pictured above
3. To delete all the zones go to the Zones Tab and click on Delete All Zones. Use the Editing section to draw in
your own zones. Note that zones drawn that overlap will merge which is handy for including irregular
To apply the zoning over a range of pages use these steps.
A. Zone a page as desired
B. Go to the Template section on the Zones tab and click on Save. Give it a name and save to a known location
A. Go to the Template section on the Zones tab and click on Open, choose the file saved above and check the
“Apply to all pages” box then click on open.
Use Ignore button in the Layout section of the Zones tab.
This allows you to draw one or more zones around only the information you are interested in and excludes
everything else.