Apple WebObjects 3.5: Serving User Manual

Page 22

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Administrative Tasks


The left side of the screen shows you how many WebObjects
applications you have on the system and which ones currently have at
least one instance running. If an instance is running, the application
name is a hyperlink.

Click the inspector button, and the Application Inspector appears in the
right frame. It shows you how many instances you’ve configured for that
application (that is, if you’re set up to do load balancing), which
instances are running, whether the instance has encountered an
exception, and if the instance has recently died.

Click the More button to see detailed information about an application
instance in the bottom part of the right frame. This page shows you the
arguments used to start the application: the executable name, host
name, document root, port number, and instance number. It also shows
you if periodic application shutdown is enabled or disabled and, if
enabled, under what circumstances the application will shut down. (For
more information, see “Periodically Shutting Down the Application” in
this guide.)

In the Application Inspector, you can click the arrow button in the
Transactions field to obtain information about the number of
transactions received, the response times for each transaction, and the
average response time.

In the Application Inspector, if the number in the Recent Deaths field
is greater than 0, you can click the arrow button in the field to obtain