Bayer HealthCare 2 User Manual
Page 22

Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200
Understanding Your Test Results
Expected Blood Glucose Values
Blood glucose values will vary from time to time depend-
ing on food intake, medication dosages, health, stress or
exercise. Consult your physician or healthcare professional
for the target glucose values appropriate for you. Standard
medical practice goals for a typical non-pregnant individual
with diabetes are:
• Before a meal: 4.0–7.0 mmol/L
• 2 hours after a meal: 5.0–10.0 mmol/L
Symptoms of High or Low Blood Glucose
You can better understand your test results by being
aware of the symptoms of high or low blood glucose; this
will also help you decide what to do if your results seem
unusual. Some of the most common symptoms are:*
High blood glucose (hyperglycemia): frequent urination,
excessive thirst, blurred vision, increased fatigue, extreme
hunger, and irritability.
Ketones (ketoacidosis) from untreated hyperglycemia:
shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, very dry mouth.
Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia): shakiness, sweating,
fast heartbeat, blurred vision, strange behavior, confusion,
passing out, and seizure.